Saturday 4 February 2012

Lost n Found

Hey, I wonder how long has it been ? Since we said goodbyes and walk towards different future. I haven't forgot a single thing you know ? Bout the whole damn thing. But after you left, I changed. I couldn't even recognize myself anymore when I looked into the mirror, do you know how scary it was ? No you don't, you only remember him and him and alot of him. I never exist in your heart, I know how stupid i was but I just couldn't wake myself up. I knew that you're still in love with him and yet I fell for you. There is no one to blame, what am I suppose to do ? I won't feel so bad if I could blame on somebody, at least it wasn't my fault. But the truth is that there isn't anyone for me to blame, but myself. I brought it on myself, misery,pains and stuffs. Everyone thinks that I'm stupid to love you, but they don't see the best in you. Well, I do. It takes so long for those feelings to be gone, but not the memories. I tried to look the other way, I get to learn a lesson. Even if you're determine to love, it doesn't mean it will work out. If you're not mentally prepared, then you sealed your fate, suffer in love then. Thank you for the lesson, and so the price i paid, is all of my heart. Sometimes i hate you, sometimes I don't. My heart don't always feel that one way, it change constantly. Heh, now you having crushes here and there, don't get hurt ehh ? 

             Val, i'm sorry for all the mistakes that i've done. Bout those pictures and stuff. Don't worry, i ain't loving no more, no more. Not now, not yet :)

Alright, it has been awhile since I last blogged :) Miss me ? Hah, I'll try to keep them up to date. Have been quite different for awhile now, people says that I've changed too. I guess huh :) Now people around me are all in relationships, i observed alot. For those people who have never been in love before, it's better if you don't fall in now. Things will always get outta control know? And love is always an asshole, no matter how you sees it. Because this happens oftenly to me and my friends in these particular steps :

1. Boy having a crush on a girl
2. Boy approach the girl and became friend
3. Girl having crush on the another guy
4. Girl told everything to the boy about her crush
5. Boy got tired and fall out of love
6. Girl fell in love with the boy
7. Love slipped past, so fcuked up.

Agreed? If you don't, then you must be one of those lucky ones. I know people are always asking themselves ," Why did he/she left? Is it because that the guy/girl is better than me?" Listen, it's a big no for you. They don't love you so they left you, that's all. If not, they're just douchebags. Don't be like a bunch of idiots being fooled around in the battlefield of love, or you won't survive. It's an advice, take it or leave it. Be smart and control yourself, dumbass. Alright, off to bed. Goodnite peeps, :) for you all.

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