Monday 18 March 2013


It have been awhile since I last blogged
And I guess there's a need to do this 
Because I don't know who else I can talk to about this.
Okay, it's regarding CSS
I'm not blogging this because I'm eliminated
But because my best friends are changing
As the competition goes on, we starting to drift away from each other
This is not what I want in this perfect friendship we have.
Don't take my concern for granted please 
To whoever I shall not mention name
I knew you would get the lowest score for the week
Its not that I purposely want you to be lowest
But I felt that urgency for you to experience what does being the lowest feels
So you could perform better next round and at least learn something
Maybe you dislike me or whatever I don't know
But now what you are doing, is call, taking your friends as granted
Its not my responsibility to worry about you know ?
I did it because I wanted to, because I care
I treat you like a little sister, but I don't think you ever appreciate it man.
For every single time you dao me, I feel pissed ya'know ?
But I let it go, every single time
Stop doing this man, I know you might be stress and all this
But it's not right, to take your friends as granted.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

being emotional,

Hey people, I guess I'm gonna update my blog with this kind of feeling man.
Yeah, emotional post. Why ? This is why love sucks.
Okay, maybe haven't reach that stage, but the feelings are already there.
I can't figure myself out, I never cherish things that I could get easily.
So I go for things and people that is hard to get. 
I know I'm the one to blame, I brought this on myself.
But I really hate this feeling to the very damn max. 
I can never figure out what you are thinking about.
Every single time you dao me, one word me, you land a punch on my heart.
I don't know how to hide my feelings man, and I'm sure you can feel how I feel.
Even though I didn't show it, but I guess its pretty obvious
But you know, cuz everything you do, I can't see through why are you doing that and so on.
I'm pretty loss, loss in the labyrinth within you.
I myself are complicated, but I guess there will always be people that are more complicated than you.
Ever since the start of this year, I really tried to change the way I think.
I stopped jumping to conclusion, I stopped assuming things
I stopped acting like I'm mature, I stopped acting like the way I shouldn't be.
To girl I shall not mention name, I don't know how do you think about me.
Probably, I'm irritating, lame, ugly, etc ? 
I wanted to be able to do the "on and off" my friends told me
But every single time I wanted to dao you, I feel awfully bad.
Do you feel that way when you dao me ? I guess not huh.
Here I am ranting about my feelings and nobody is reading it, desire of wanting people to know.
But I find it inappropriate to talk to anyone about this. Not Leonard, not Meiyee, not Joseph, none of them.
I don't know why am I keeping this to myself, I really don't know.
But as much as I know, if I let anyone know about this, the relationship between me and you will totally be screwed.
Ugh, tell me what to do. How do I get the words out of my chest ?
Nothing feel real anymore man, not this "let down" feeling, not this "I like you" feeling, none of them feels real.
But it seems so real, I feel so fake, but so real. 
For each and every raindrop that reaches the ground, my heart shrinks a little.
Until nothing is left, until I feel absolutely nothing.

Saturday 3 November 2012

The tiny raindrops that land on my hand

Hey people :)
It sure has been awhile since I last blogged
Well... I was lazy :b
Exam is over and my result came out
I would say that I did pretty well !
5 As , 2 Bs , 1 C and 1 F
Well I failed my science...
Its alright, I still get promoted to Sec 3 Express anyway !

Alright, today I'm just gonna talk about parents
Parents , parents , parents
I know I have no right to say this but
Why are everyone hating their parents ?
I don't get it, I seriously don't 
I mean, parents are the next best thing happen in your life
Besides your true love . 
So why are we hating them when we are suppose to appreciate them ?
To be frank, I ain't no Mr. Goodie Doodie
I was once a really rebellious kid 
I lied, I smoke, I drink , I fought
Well, except that I didn't get a tattoo for myself.
Other than that, I'm a 100% rebellious kid.
But when I realize that I'm the one who causes my mum to cry
I actually hated myself
Not just that because I'm a boy and I'm not suppose to make a women cry
But its because she is my mum
I had this dream last night
Though its abit crazy but yeah, I saw my mum dying in front of me.
I don't wanna describe what was in my dream but yeah..
When I woke up, I felt lost.
I started to question myself
"How will I continue with my life without my mum's presence ?" 
"Will I be able to cope with the life if she's gone ?"
Hey, I'm not over-attached to my mum
But it's just that the thoughts just hit me
We got to realize that people will leave one day
As death is part of our life journey
So I don't get why people hate their parents
The time we have to be with our parents is short
If you don't appreciate it now, when are you going to do that ?
Don't always hate your parents for what they did wrong.
And start thinking about the good things they have done for you

So... Holidays...
I don't really know what I should do for my holiday..
All I know is that, $250.
I need to save $250 for someone, someone special.
I broke a lot of promises before
And I told myself this will be the one which I shall not break
That will be the first time which we actually meet each other.
Aw well, till then , I shall work hard for bucks.

Saturday 29 September 2012

night skies and shining stars

"If I choose to text a person day and night, then their important to me"

Hey people
I'm spending my boring weekend
Updating this shitty old blog of mine :)
EOY is around the corner
I'm feeling so stressed out ><
Not because I'm nervous or what
But I still can't improve on my maths & science
It was really frustrating because both the subject
So my mum kinda emphasize on me to pass them
So miracle happens
I start studying :/
In school, after school
I'm studying non-stop 
It was kinda hard for me ya'know
Considering the type of person I am
Always playing and not studying...
I will only keep up with this till EOY finish
After that, no more study
My maths, really, facepalm
I can't even get my factorization right -.-
ALGEBRA, seriously, the biggest douche I ever known
Open bracket, changing of signs
Really hope I could past my EOY with flying colors. 
ShoutOut Section
Same old person, 大小姐
Heh, be honored horh :b
I mentioned you in my blog, unlike you :3
I know I'm super noisy, super lame
But bear with me because I'm me :)
I don't mind being an alternative of your listener
As I always knew you got a bunch of close friends :)
But whenever you need someone to talk
And there's no one to turn to
I'll be there for you :)
I can't promise you I'll always always be there
But as much as I could, I will be
You'll probably doubting why would a guy
Treat you like this and etc etc
Well, because I'm crazy :3
Not much intention anyway
We started as strangers then now
Normal friend :b 
Don't always stay up till so late
Don't always LAZY to eat
If you want to stay young and pretty
Sleep earlier, eat on time :3
I know it's hard to get over a person
I've been there before, I know how you feel :)
Don't keep everything to yourself
Sometimes, Its okay to cry or to have some moodswing :)
Surely a bunch of people have already told you that
So I'm not gonna repeat what they said
But, stay as the way you are now :)
CursedPonies, the Poisoned Goddess :)

Okay, now wrap this up with some love talks
I'm always the kind that cling on to the past
So I have moodswings occasionally 
Have you ever felt that
Every song, every place
Every backview of a person, every voices
Reminds you of someone, who were once close to you ?
I guess everyone does :)
To everyone that is still clinging on to the past r/s
Smile more, cry more
People like us are badly wounds and need to be alittle crazy
Time heals everything ? No
They just make everything more blurry 
So eventually you won't even remember
Who is that person you once loved 
You might remember his name, what you guys did together
But try, try to recap, if that feeling is still the same ?
Sometime you thought you still love that person
But actually, you've already get over them
You don't feel the same as last time
Perhaps still a little heartbeat, alittle wobby eyes when you saw them
But you guys are certainly over them.
Cheer up, look far
Someone better is waving at you, waiting for you to open your heart
Much love :) 
"Don't be afraid to love, don't be afraid to fall"
Be courageous, people
Love is everywhere :) 

Tuesday 18 September 2012

The seas high and the mountains' low

"Why spending your entire trying to impress others when all you need to do, is just be yourself ? "

Hey people, being a little pessimistic today. I just like to do moodswing in my everyday life :) 

Just being myself.
It's funnysometimes when you does moodswing
People will never, I repeat, never
Get the definition of moodswing
They will just keeeeeeeeeeep asking
"Are you alright ?"
Normally, they asked because they care
My friends asked because they thought I'm crazy !
My cliques are always crazy
Every clique that I'm in, we're crazy
We do crazy stuffs, random shits
We get mad at each other, laughing at each other
Good times
Sometimes I asked myself
"How long will this kind of days last ?"
Not to jinx anything but yeah
That's how I feel
People don't stay forever
At least most of them don't
So it's normal if anything happens
And the clique is being tear apart
I know this is random 
But just want to say some little thing to my clique

"Hey guys"
"I know everyone has their flaws and strength"
"Don't compare among yourselves"
"There ought to be times when argument "
"Come into our life"
"But no matter what happen"
"You guys are the best -smile- " 


Let's end that little tea party right there
Shall continue with my blogging 
I fell sick few days ago
And it lasted till today. :/
1. Sore Throat
2. Fever
3. One Day MC 
It's funny how excited people is when they got MC
As if MC are the best thing they could get
During weekdays

I spent my friday and weekend at home
Eat, Shit ,Sleep, Whatsapp
Eat, Shit, Sleep, Whatsapp
Eat,Shit,Sleep, Whatsapp
Eat,Shit,Sleep, Whatsapp 
Yeah, that's basically what I did for that 3 days
I'm likka rotting half-alive dude
Met some new friend
A girl :D 
Her name is Parisa, Parisa Bong
Cute girl, great personality 
Blogshop lover 
She's a Cancer :B
We chat for a few time and yeah
Still having fun talking to her though :)
"If you even happen to be reading this"
"I know I'm just a stranger walking into your life"
"But I'm gonna stick around and poke my nose into your life :b"
"I-I-I-I don't care what you sayy"
"Just reserve the last few minute of your everyday life"
"Then chat with me :D"

Talking about blogshopping
I guess I shall start selling things again
If not where should I get money from ? Mmmmm ? 
Sighed, facepalm everytime I open my wallet
Got money but I can't use, pathetic much
Okay okay, I'm ending this here
Thanks for reading, enjoy your life
See you next time :)

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Aw well

Hi people, I know it has been awhile since I last blogged. I've been really lazy to blog so yeah, no excuse kay ? Life has been tough for me this few months and I don't really know how to describe it. Alright, basically what happened is..
1) Fought with parents
2) Broke Up with girlfriend
3) Flunk my maths and many tests
4) Getting fatter and fatter
5) Surviving my horrible horrible school
I'll elaborate on this few points so yeah, stay with me and continue reading :)

1) Fought with parents  : Alright, I know we all have been through this kind of argument before, and I know, we all know that, we hate it . Why ? Because we love our parents, sometime we might not say it, but we do, we all do. And having to break their heart is something I hated to do the most. Not being immature, but sometimes, parents really don't understand us. Not only that they don't understand us, they also pretended they do and ignored how we feel and think. I mean, people change, so its not like I'm the me who I used to be. But they don't get that, they thought that I'm just a 3 years old kid that need parent to help me decide what to do and what not to do. And also, generation gap. Yes I know, they have their own generation while we have ours, so I don't really blame them for that. But, seriously, saying "fuck" is not being no manner okay ? Besides, I really don't use that to adults or people that I respected. Those that I said fuck to, is either my good friends, or someone that ill-treated me. How I hope they could understand that... 

2)Broke Up with girlfriend : Nothing much to talk about. I don't know what went wrong with her, probably something that I did wrong. And she threw temper on me like crazy and I simply can't take it anymore and broke up with her. I felt bad because I told myself that I would last long with her. Her name is Sabrina, have a tough life and not much friends. Which make me felt even more guilty with breaking up with her. But its all over now, no point talking bout it. It's not like I'm the kind of person who wouldn't hang on to the past but, her, one time is all I need to learn about her. Perhaps I'm alittle cruel with not giving her another chance but I'm sure, she won't be the kind of girl I can invest my feelings in. But still, I wanna thank her for all the memories and happy moments. Everything wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for her.

3)Flunk my maths and many tests : I'm sure everyone is having trouble with their studies, me too. But, maths really isn't my thing ya' know ? I'm more obsess with design and art or probably music, despite I know how bad I am when it comes to music, the rythm and stuffs. Pfft, I just can't get a single thing that my teacher taught me. Alright I'm making progress but I doubt if I can catch up with my maths and do well in the EOY this year... Aw well, I guess I just have to try. And, my History is deproving as well, uhhh, gonna buck up alot more now. 

4)Getting fatter and fatter : ALRIGHT, this is what troubles me the most! Compare my body figure to last year's , damn, I'm really gaining alot of weight. From 50+ kg to 67 kg , that's alot kay ? I hate that wheel tummy of mine , I feel like uncle and look really funny. Sighed, all comes down to my self-esteem again. I'm totally losing it due to this issue man.. The reason why I'm fat now is because I hasn't been exercising the past few months.. Basically the whole year. So, I'm planning to work out more and hopefully, get back my abs and regaining my stamina. Wish me luck guys!

5)Surviving my horrible horrible school : Okay okay, admit that. We all hated our school. Sometimes I just felt that the pupils in my school are just so mean... And so many backstabbers and stuff, I don't get it. If you guys don't wanna be friend, then just say it in each other's face. Why must you guys do so many little actions and pattern ? Pattern more than badminton, that's damn childish can ? Jeez, not saying that everyone in my school are mean and I'm definitely NOT racist. But malay boys, please grow up. All those insulting and teasing, not funny bro. It makes you look stupid and arrogant. Learn to respect others before someone lay their hands on you. And, don't ever try to mess with chinese, I repeat, don't try. You respect us, we respect you, simple as that. Those malays that are able to mix with chinese, you know why ? Because they respect us hence we respect them. Learn and apply, thank you. 

Alright, shall stop here. Hope you guys have a great holiday ahead and enjoy :) Byee

Tuesday 5 June 2012


I thought I'm over you, I really thought I did. 
But when I least expected, you're back. And I feel that heart beat again
I really, don't want any misunderstanding. Please don't ignore me or anything when you sees this :/
You're still here *point at my heart* 
I hide the feeling deep inside my heart, but I guess it's too big to be unseen
I got a little bit popular, and lots of girls actually inboxing me :/
But when you talk to me, I unconsciously ignore them all. 
I know it's not a right thing to do but, I only wanted to reply your inbox :/
Your words struck me hard, knowing that you thought about me makes me happy too.
I don't know why, but it did .
You said what if you didn't leave that day, if you didn't. 
If you didn't, we might have more precious moments and memories.
If you didn't, I might be able to help you overcome him that time.
If you didn't, alot of things would have been different.
But it wasn't your fault, it wasn't. 
I rushed my feeling, didn't I ? 
If only I held back alittle longer, try a little harder.
Things would have been so different.
Well, as you said, it was the past already.
I should probably let it go, and just be friend with you :)
But I wouldn't mind if one day you turn back and tell me that you like me.
I would still fall for you, it's crazy but I still will :)
From all the girls I know, you are the most simple one.
You're different, you're more matured than all of them. 
More kind and friendly than all of them
More cheerful than all of them
More sweet than all of them
Of course and alot more, which couldn't be describe by words
But you're just different than other girls
V, I wasn't trying to say anything but, you're the best :)
Be friend also never mind, but you always made my day :)