Tuesday 5 June 2012


I thought I'm over you, I really thought I did. 
But when I least expected, you're back. And I feel that heart beat again
I really, don't want any misunderstanding. Please don't ignore me or anything when you sees this :/
You're still here *point at my heart* 
I hide the feeling deep inside my heart, but I guess it's too big to be unseen
I got a little bit popular, and lots of girls actually inboxing me :/
But when you talk to me, I unconsciously ignore them all. 
I know it's not a right thing to do but, I only wanted to reply your inbox :/
Your words struck me hard, knowing that you thought about me makes me happy too.
I don't know why, but it did .
You said what if you didn't leave that day, if you didn't. 
If you didn't, we might have more precious moments and memories.
If you didn't, I might be able to help you overcome him that time.
If you didn't, alot of things would have been different.
But it wasn't your fault, it wasn't. 
I rushed my feeling, didn't I ? 
If only I held back alittle longer, try a little harder.
Things would have been so different.
Well, as you said, it was the past already.
I should probably let it go, and just be friend with you :)
But I wouldn't mind if one day you turn back and tell me that you like me.
I would still fall for you, it's crazy but I still will :)
From all the girls I know, you are the most simple one.
You're different, you're more matured than all of them. 
More kind and friendly than all of them
More cheerful than all of them
More sweet than all of them
Of course and alot more, which couldn't be describe by words
But you're just different than other girls
V, I wasn't trying to say anything but, you're the best :)
Be friend also never mind, but you always made my day :) 

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