Sunday 27 May 2012


I stopped blogging for awhile, basically because I don't know what to write
Nothing special about my current life
I fall in love with a girl, got together and live a steady life now.
Now looking at those arrogant people in my life, I felt disgusted

You're not a boss, nobody sees you as one. 
If they don't like it, means they don't like it. 
No matter how you try, they won't listen to you.
Don't think of yourself that highly, because in the reality, you're nothing but piece of shit
I know my words are harsh, but that's how it suppose to sounds like.
It's not that everything that you says goes, it's just that everyone are not interested in arguing with you
If they really wanted, nothing you says will goes, believe me.
People goes along with your way doesn't mean that you're right, its just that they don't feel like going against you.
Don't think that you can get all the girls you want, because if you continues that way, nobody will likes you.
Treating people the way how they treat you, that's a right thing to do.
You said it, but you didn't do it that way.
The way you treated your parents are just a perfect example how you didn't do what you said.
They buy food for you, they gives you allowance, they offered you a place to sleep, they brought you into this world
Without them giving you money, you think you would be able to pay for your bills ? and buy what you want ?
Without them giving you money, you think you would be able the save the money ? 
They don't own you anything, you're the one in debt with them. 
And, respect others parents, they didn't do anything wrong to you
Fuck other people parents ? Go and fuck then you talk. 
To be frank, you're not even matured, no to even mention whether you're a teen with kid in heart
Smart ? You smart ? I haven't even use my brain to think and work then I'm already at your standard.
Don't think you're that smart. Because seriously you're not. 
You're good in sports, I have nothing to say about that. 
There are facts about you that I agreed, but lots I don't . 
About those things you did w her, you should glad that I kept as secrets.
Because I made a promise with you, and I kept it. 
Don't take me for granted, because I will treat you the same.
I live longer than you, I experienced more than you
I understands more than you, I learnt more than you.
I learnt the way how people wanted to be treated, and don't want to be.
I understands how people felt, and how they choose to react
I live the life that's tougher than you, you wouldn't even fucking understands
I experienced things more horrible than you did, you wouldn't even want to try.
Don't act like you're some wise old man, when you're not. 
Do some self-reflection before you try to do anything.
Because we're brothers, that's why I pointed out your flaws.
I want you to know that, being a better person is so much more easier
Not respecting your parents isn't SWAG
Taking your friends as granted isn't SWAG
Think highly of yourself isn't SWAG
Smoking isn't SWAG, even if you're not a regular smoker
You're still far from SWAG, try harder.

Sincerely, your best bud. 

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