Wednesday 9 May 2012

You, yeah you

Hey people! Well, wasn't really a good day for me
She's still as cold to me, ever since that fight
Perhaps I'm really at wrong, but, this is really killing me
I really don't know what to do
Move on ? Well, I tried :/ 
If it works, I would already did.
And now, I'm really lost :(

Still remember those times when your texts
Are so sweet, when our conversation are awesome
When we first met at Nex, when we first watch POV
When you drop your phone, when you smile
It might not sound so important to you, but not for me
Why ? Because the one that's loving is me not you
I'm not blaming you for anything
It wasn't your fault to start with anyway
I'm the one that choose to fall in love :/ 
Heh, silly me :) 

You talked about love, you talked about how it should be
I really believe, at least I tried to believe
Because I'm silly enough to believe that
If I tried to go along with you
We might get back to how we were like
I don't ask you for stead, I only want you to be that awesome bf of mine
Bf could be anything
It represents Boyfriend and BestFriend
And I want you to be both
I really cared about you
Cause I don't want you to ended up like me
Heart doesn't glue back when it keeps breaking
You might think that I don't know anything
Actually, I only pretended I don't 
I choose to remain quiet
Sometimes, it's better off untold

During the exam, I couldn't focus
After finishing the paper
I spending the rest of the remaining time 
Scribble on the extra foolscap
And yeah, everything written on it
Is you, about you.
Not kidding. It's really you
I just wanted to figure out
What's the best way to entertain you
To make you laugh, make you smile
Letting you cool down when someone pissed you off
But who knows ? In the end I pissed you off too
I still don't think that your attitude is bad
Because I know I was wrong, that's why you're treating me this way
Right ? 

Even if I go for checkup, make a video
Sing a song, buy a thousand roses
Perhaps I will still not be forgiven :/
People, don't ask me what I did
Cause I don't want to tell 
And I won't share
Kay ?

The number of times we texted decreased
You know why ? 
Because I feels that I'm irritating, perhaps I really are
So I sometime think that it's better for me to leave you alone
At least you won't be pissed any further
I'm trying my best here. 

That time when you said, " If I died" 
Whether you believe or not, I really cried
I cried because I don't want you to leave my life
Perhaps it won't be the same anymore in the future
But at least i wanted to be truthful to myself now
Be frank with my own feeling
And do what I wanted to do
I'm always doing the same thing
Loving someone who are deeply hurt or in love with someone else
Don't ask me why, I'm just attracted by the scars they have
They seem just so similar to me
Just that people don't notice. 
I guess this is just my life
Hahaha :) 

It's okay if I cried, cause I will wipe away those tears
It's okay if I give up, cause I will eventually pick it up again
This is just me, I couldn't control myself or stop myself from doing it.

If you ever read this post , please pretend you didn't
So at least, I won't feel more, pathetic :/

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