Sunday 5 February 2012

I never thought

This really ain't something that I've expected, for me to like you. I've told myself I will never be in love again, what am I doing ? Is it because I'm not determine enough ? or issit that you are special ? In fact, all those girls i fell in love before are special. It's really hard to find someone to be accompany you in your life know? They can be really close with you for a moment and disappear the next moment. But, when I texted you, I smiled. Despite how random those topics are, I smiled. You just have that power to make me smile, like a silly. I never expected that you will fall for me, i never do. But you did, and I'm surprise. I know it's a long distance love, but i think i should try to believe and to put in effort for this. I can't afford to let love pass me by, you know ? Sighed, pathetic me.

曾经一次又一次的以为你不会喜欢我,现在你喜欢我勒.我反而有些不知所措.自从认识你后,我都很开心.跟你聊天很开心,和你瞎闹很开心,跟你斗嘴很开心.一切的一切都很开心.你也说过,"你不是我喜欢的型,我不会喜欢你的."你说过的话我都记得,就算你老人痴呆勒我也记得.跟你聊天的时候我灰灰的天空总是会变成比较.就好像雨后天晴出现的RAINBOWS. 真的很喜欢你,真的不为了什么特别的理由.就只为你能在我心情不好是逗我开心,喜欢你撒娇的声音. 一开始我也没想过自己会喜欢你,结果呢?狮子座还是被射手座征服勒/\ 爱人,现在我才能说,我对你有感觉,现在我只对你有感觉.我刚开始帮我学妹时,第一个想到就是你.最怕的就是你会误会,心理作用吧.现在的我嘴巴也说不出多肉麻的话 :B 你看勒不要害羞喔~ 我们可能不会每天都聊天,但我会米修的 :) 千言万语不必一次过说完,我分成上百篇来写,让你读 :) 如果你觉得我笨笨的,我就是笨笨的 :) 如果你觉得我是丑丑的,我就是丑丑的 :) 你开心微笑,我就满足勒 :)

There's only 1 thing 
                       2 do
                       3 words
                       "I LOVE YOU :)"

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