Monday 6 February 2012

Hmmmmm..... I couldn't really focus in class today. I got something in mind whole day long. I mean, who doesn't have something on mind their mind during class ? Well, perhaps bookworms don't. But I'm part of the normal, so called "normal". The adults often think that Im the oldest, the most matured ones. Hey, who says that ? I didn't say Im matured, I didn't say that I'm the oldest. In fact, I don't want to be. People starts to label and define people on their own, and that's disgusting. I hate it when teachers say," You guys are in the express streams, behave like one. And stop behaving like people in NA or NT." Hey cher, you're fcuked up. Who define the way we should behave ? Who says that we must behave that way? No, no one does. And why are you trying to draw out the line between Express and Normal streams ? Those in the normal streams aren't stupid you know, they're just alittle bit lazier. And, don't give me that look. I don't gives a shit about those insulting words you said. Anything other than the subject you teach us, is bullshit. You don't get the way of life, you'll probably never be. That is why you're still single at the age of 30 and above. I ain't trying to insult, Im trying to reasoning with you. If no one tries to stands up and change this society, then this rotten and ugly society will never change. Because you people out there starts to label people, categories people, that's why people are suiciding everyday. You are to blame for their death, their broken hearts, their lost souls. Stop that thinking that you're actually that good, there is always someone better. Shut the hell up and teach, and tries to learn our language, the teenager language. There are words that we will take it very seriously into our hearts, watch out for things that's coming out from your mouth, they can be medicine, or weapons. 

This society is filled with disgusting, ugly, rotten and tons of shits. There are so many assholes out there who thinks that people that aren't educated are piece of shits. But I ain't one of them, if I have the power and the authority, I will stand up to this society and change it thoroughly.


今天你没上线,我想你了.一天老了5岁~哈哈.是不能用电脑么?上课都没办法专心吖....这个礼拜学校要请我和我同学去看免费的电影勒~赫赫 >:D 赚到料 :B 可是吖可是,明天又有测验勒 =-= 咳, 没办法, 我又要去温习勒.上线勒 inbox 我吖 :) 晚安 :3 

                                                                                                                                              XOXO  我我我 :3

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