Tuesday 21 February 2012


Hey! I'm back from blogging again :) I know I hasn't been blogging lately, kinda busy :/ Okay, that's an excuse, haha. Yeahh, I'm lazy,i seriously am. Anyway, let's just get to the topic today. 

No doubt, I'm talking about love. In fact, Im always talking about it. Because I'm thinking about it all the time, can't help myself. I believe that every single relationship I've been through, were all pre-destined. Ever since the start of the world, it has been that way. Those that I loved, going to love, were all pre-destined. I wonder, who is the girl that I've waited for centuries ? Of course, some of you people out there is going to find what I say ridiculous. But, what's the harm of believing in such stuffs ? I mean, at least it's better than not believing in anything right ? I've lost faith in myself, in others. I could only drown myself into things that make no sense at all to others, because it makes alot of sense to me. I'm weird, I know. I've been through quite a number of relationships, I know how it hurts when it ends. I wanted to lose faith in love you know ? But its always that one little thing got me fall back into love, and get outta control. I don't know, this is love we're talking about, the most complicated word in the world. I always got strike by the desire to love, and now I am. I'm not actually that into looks, its the feeling that Im feeling. 

I wanted to fall in love with a girl...
That I could hug, just to make her feel protected
That I could kiss, just to make her feel loved
That I could talk to, about everything I felt 
That I could surprise, so it can always be sweet 
That I could cry infront of , not afraid of showing her my weak side 
That I could trust , because she won't leak any of my deepest secrets
That I could believe, that love exists in the most simple way
That I could admire, for her kindness and cuteness .
That I could never ever fully describe, because she have too many things for me to tell about.
She doesn't need to be perfect , I prefer her to have imperfections. 
Because it's the imperfections that she have to make her perfect for me :) 

If I ever found her, trust me. I will love her with everything I have, not holding anything back. 

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