Wednesday 7 March 2012


"Why hating ? When all hatred do is making you suffer?"

Today I just wanted to rant about this little thing called hatred. Why I cross out that word ? Because it doesn't exist in my life dictionary. Yeahh, sometimes we felt pissed off by certain people and things thats happening, but, I don't think that is serious enough to be hated. When you're complaining, rambling and insulting her behind her back, have you put yourself in her shoes? No, you didn't, neither did she. But just simply that attitude you all don't like, you all hate her, not dislike but hate. Does hating her makes you feel happy ? Does gossiping bad things behind her makes you happy ? No, it doesn't. Ya know, just speak up. That makes life easier for everyone, you don't need to act infront of her, neither is she. If it's just her attitude problem then it's easy, I could convince her to change her attitude. But now, ask yourself sincerely, will you even take her in if she change ? No you won't, it wasn't just her fault now. Don't get so heated up and argue back, think about what I say. Ask yourself again, what if you are her ? Have you ever felt so extra for being left out in the class ? Or being treated like a spare-tyre ? Did you ? It's just your one-sided thoughts that trying shut her out, from the whole crew . I'm not siding with anyone, I just felt that this is a right thing to say. Now other people thought both of you were friend, but it's disgusting( no offense). A friendship is just an empty shell, there's nothing inside. So why still keep that friendship? Of course, if you still not agree with what I say, I couldn't do anything, its up to you. But I want to tell you, hating isn't the only way.

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