Tuesday 6 March 2012


Alright, here I am blogging again. Actually, I don't feel like blogging today but. Aw well, since it has been awhile so I'll blog kayy ? Kinda surprise that she actually saw my post, haha. I mean, yeah, I never really expect her to see it cause I thought I've been long forgotten, hahaa. Hey Val, this blog of mine is supposed to be mainly English kayy ? So worries are not necessary, those that are wrote in Chinese, are probably dedicated to my Malaysia's friends :) 

I don't think I can make it throughout half of this year, I might faint or something. It's just too tiring for me ! Because...

Monday : Stay Back after school
Tuesday: Basketball Training after school
Wednesday: Piano lessons at Dhoby Ghaut 
Thursday: Basketball Training after school
Friday: Stay Back after school 
Saturday& Sunday: Hanging out with friends

I ain't superman ya'know ? I'm using every bit of my energy to type now ._. Sighed, hope life can get slightly easier. Now, all my friends got a person they like or in relationship with, when will I have one ? I've got no one to like, to woo or stuffs. I have that desire to love but I just don't want to be too despo, and, I want it to last. I haven't get that feeling from anyone yet. Nobody likes me, and I like nobody. (Y), foreveralone. 

I never blame anyone for who I am today, because it's mainly my fault. Yeahh, of course, sometimes I might just rambling and just complain, but I didn't mean it. Because I choose to be who I am, not because they changed me. I'm like a person with many personalities, I get generous sometimes, I get petty, sometimes I get emotional, sometimes I get cheerful. There wasn't any particular mood for me, I feel like behaving that way, then I will. Of course, I try not to get my friends involve with my personalities problem. But hey, I'm not going crazy kayy ? 

From the first time I saw you, I know you're different :) Friend to love, and back to friend again. Yeahh, ValerieTXJ, thats you. Why I would admire you but not the others ? Because you're nearly the same as me, your mindset and etc. Remember that night when we chat, stranger to stranger ? I couldn't felt any awkwardness and stuffs, I just open my heart and talked to you :) I love doing that :) Although many things happened after that, but, you'll be damn awesome no matter whoever you are to me. Aw well, sudden lost in words. Gonna stop blogging and go eat lerh :) Read my blog harh :b 

Alright, bloggers. Bye :)

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