Sunday 18 March 2012

In my room

Alrights, tonight I have too many thoughts in mind :) Let the pictures speak on the behalf of me :) 

So, I'm all alone in my room right now. No interruption, nothing at all. My room is like one of the places where I could seriously lie down and have thoughts over and over again. About the past, how things could be different and stuffs. Sighed, too many thoughts on mind, can't figure anything out. 

I SWEAR TO THE MOTHER OF GOD , MY ROOM IS ***** COLD ! Its like the air-con intend to freeze me like those meats in my refrigerator -.- And the remote for the air-con is spoiled, asdfghjkl!@#$*&^%$# ! This holiday doesn't feel like a holiday, it's just like any other weeks I have. Spend more than half of the week staying at home, rotting. I was thinking, "Wts, I'm really lifeless here. Should stop lying on my bed and go exercise or do my homework." But in the end, I continued to rot in my bed :b Hahahaha, until now, I haven't touch my homework :3 Don't want to touch it too, damn pecek. 

So, I went out on a date with my cousin yesterday. Went to see doctor for the treatment for my pimples (Y) Looking forward to the result :) Then went to orchard's Madarin Gallery and ate Ramen! Ohmygosh, the Ramen was really awesome ! But really expensive though :/ Idk why but my cousin says that the price wasn't expensive, is she really that rich ? After that we went to catch a show - John Carter :D Well, Disney production so you can already expect how ridiculous the story will be :) But it was quite awesome too, the dog inside the movie was shooooo cute ><  After the movie, I can't believe we went to cafe and drank tea and latte :3 Starting to enjoy life a different way now :) Ohyeah, my cousin bought a PSVITA >:( Goddamn, $500++ ! She really is rich ! And that makes me having the temptation to buy one too, but aw well, no cash :(  After the date I went to Gerome's house :) Tonned there :D We were happily playing games and the next moment we realize, it was 3.15 a.m. -.- We were like what the **** ? Guess happy times really pass by fast uhh . And then we decided to stop playing and went to sleep, then woke up at 11.30 a.m -.- Again, what the **** ? Then rushed back home to do houseworks :3 

I guess yesterday is the only day that felt like how a holiday should be :( And tomorrow the school reopens, I'm not in the mood though :x Come onnnn, let me fall sick tomorrow :( ARGHHHHH. 

Alright, many things happen in this week. One of my buddy broke up w his gf and the other got stead, one more is on the edge of r/s . So, I guess they would understand how love is really like soon. Although love is complicated, I still wanted to fall in love. I'm shoo jelly when I saw those sweet couples cuddle, holding hands, kissing and etc. Ughh, why I no have that kind of r/s ? Still finding, but probably not anytime soon, because I like no one :D 

Should stop writing lerhhh, goodnight my friends :) Sweetdreams. Biggest love here :D

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